Truama related to medical issues is not talked about and there are people and professionals out there who want to see this change

Keywords: Carney Complex

[…] those of us who have and are experiencing this need to speak out and let the mental healthcare and general healthcare profession know that we are here and we need to be seen, just like you have with your physical conditions. We can’t expect change or help if we aren’t talking about it. People can’t change what they don’t know.

There are very few stories out there about what life looks like for a disability family after the parents are gone, so I’m offering ours up as a gift

Keywords: {0}

I care too much about the other siblings who are carrying time-bombs of their own. I care too much about the parents who are doing their best to protect their children. I want to draw a map where no map exists because I know there are people still navigating the wilderness I left behind. I want you to have a better journey than I had.